Berita Baru Bisnis Online Global Cazz

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010 0 komentar
Ini adalah review dari website resmi GLOBALCAZZ.COM. Telah hadir bisnis online yang kita tunggu untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dari Internet. Saya menawarkan kepada teman-teman yang ingin menjalankan bisnis online ini, cukup mudah dan sangat transparan. Jika anda tertarik silahkan Klik DISINI, dan berikut adalah sebagian dari review dari website resmi GLOBALCAZZ.COM


Program GlobalCazz dijamin aman dan komisi - komisi yang dibayarkan masuk akal perhitungan dan jangka waktunya. Aman karena uang Anda tidak dipertaruhkan dalam investasi saham atau valas yang sangat beresiko tinggi. Berapa banyak perusahaan keuangan besar internasional yang akhirnya bangkrut karena krisis keuangan global yang menghantam pasar keuangan, saham dan juga valas tahun 2009 kemarin. Sehingga ribuan nasabahnya akhirnya ikut menanggung kerugian tersebut. Jika ada program yang berani memberi jaminan profit dari usaha di pasar saham atau valas, maka siap-siaplah untuk kehilangan uang Anda.

Cashflow GlobalCazz sangat transparan, fair, dan tidak beresiko. Persentase terbesar penghasilan adalah untuk member. Berbeda dengan bisnis online atau Bisnis Jaringan yang sering Anda temui, berapapun Anda bisa menjual produk mereka, persentase terbesar adalah untuk pihak pengelola website/jaringan. Jadi disini Anda tahu siapa yang paling diuntungkan. Jika Anda bisa menghitung Cashflow IN-OUT program GlobalCazz, maka Anda akan yakin 1.000% bahwa program GlobalCazz ini aman dan masuk akal.

Cashflow IN-OUT setiap Session per aktivasi 100 member:

Uang masuk : Rp. 250 ribu X 100 member = Rp. 25.000.000,-
Uang keluar :

- Komisi Cazz Sharing Profit :Rp. 2 juta X 4 member = Rp. 8.000.000,-
- Komisi Cazz Money Back :Rp. 250 ribu X 25 member = Rp. 6.250.000,-
- Komisi Sponsor :Rp. 50 ribu X 100 member = Rp. 5.000.000,-
- Komisi Titik :Rp. 22 ribu X 100 Member = Rp. 2.200.000,-
- Komisi Qualifying :Rp. 12,5% X Omzet = Rp. 3.125.000,-

Total uang keluar = Rp. 24.575.000,-

Dari cashflow IN-OUT diatas masih ada sisa Rp. 425.000,- yang akan dipakai Perusahaan untuk biaya maintenance, promosi, staff dan operasional setiap session nya.

Setiap Session (Per aktivasi 100 member), website tidak akan ditutup untuk sementara seperti yang lainnya. Hal ini dapat dilakukan karena pembayaran komisi tidak di cicil bertahap berdasarkan tabel persentase, dan juga pembayaran komisi langsung dilakukan setiap session per 100 member, tidak menunggu setiap akhir bulan atau menunggu grup berikutnya penuh.


Untuk bergabung di GlobalCazz anda hanya cukup sekali bayar Rp. 250 ribu tanpa biaya bulanan atau biaya tahunan. Jika anda ingin mempunyai lebih dari 1 ID, tidak akan di batasi. Anda daftarkan ID Anda, kemudian tinggal tunggu sistem GlobalCazz bekerja secara otomatis untuk Anda selama 24 jam tanpa henti, 7 hari dalam seminggu dan 365 hari dalam setahun. Dan wujudkan apa yang menjadi impian Anda selama ini...!!! Kesuksesan hanya bisa diraih jika Anda mau membuka pikiran, berani mencoba dan bersiap menjadi seorang enterpreneur sejati.


Tujuan Jangka Panjang GLOBALCAZZ adalah menjadi Bisnis Online TERDEPAN yang dikelola secara TRANSPARAN dan PROFESIONAL. Kesempatan masih terbuka lebar seiring dengan meningkatnya pengguna internet di Indonesia yang sudah mencapai 40 Juta orang, dan pengguna internet di dunia yang mencapai 2 Millyar orang. Belum lagi segala kemudahan akses internet sekarang ini, yang bisa dilakukan dimana-mana dengan teknologi WIFI, dari Warnet atau lewat Handphone.

itu segenap Manajemen akan berusaha dengan gencar mempromosikan GLOBALCAZZ melalui media Online maupun Offline, iklan lewat media massa baik di koran, majalah ataupun tabloid. Dengan tujuan meraih sebanyak-banyaknya member baru yang akan bergabung. Jika target 10% saja dari jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia sudah 4 Juta member. Dan akhirnya nanti GLOBALCAZZ akan dipersiapkan untuk GO INTERNATIONAL untuk memberi kesempatan pengguna Internet di seluruh Dunia untuk ikut bergabung menjadi member GLOBALCAZZ.COM.


Bagi Pebisnis Online pemula, sebelum Anda memutuskan bergabung dengan suatu bisnis online di dunia maya. Anda bisa mengecek dahulu kredibilitas dan status website tersebut di
Dan juga searching forum-forum member di google dengan mengetikkan alamat bisnis online tersebut. Sehingga ketika bergabung Anda sudah tahu bahwa bisnis online yang Anda ikuti aman dari scam/penipuan.


Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010 0 komentar

Understanding Computer Networks

Computer network is a collection of computers that are connected to each other. Information and data moving through the wires to allow computer network users can exchange information, documents and data, the same print on a printer with the same and using hardware / software that is connected to the network. Each computer, printer or peripherals connected to the network called a node. A computer network can have two, tens, thousands or even millions of nodes. A network usually consists of two or more computers that are interconnected among each other, and share resources such as CD-ROMs, printers, exchange files, or the ability to electronically communicate with each other. Connected computer, the possible contact with the media cables, telephone lines, radio waves, satellite, or infrared light.

Types of networks based on coverage:

a. Local Area Network (LAN

A LAN is a network that is limited by the relatively small area, generally bounded by the area like an office environment in a building, or a school. Some models of LAN configuration, one computer is usually made in a file server. Which is used to store software (software) that govern network activity, or as software that can be used by computers that are connected to the network. The computers are connected to the network (network) is typically called workstations. Workstation capabilities more usually under the file server and has other applications in addition to applications for the network hard drive. Most LANs use the media cable to connect between one computer to another computer.

b. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A MAN usually covers an area larger than the LAN, for example between regions within a province. In this case the network linking several small networks into a larger area of the environment, as an example that is: the network of the Bank where several branches of a bank in a big city is connected to one another.

c. Wide Area Network (WAN)

Wide Area Networks (WAN) is a network that already use a scope usually means satellite or submarine cable as an example of the whole network BANK BNI in Indonesia or in other countries. Using the WAN facilities, a bank in Bandung can contact the existing branch office in Hong Kong, in just a few minutes. WAN usually rather complicated and very complex, using many means to connect between the LAN and WAN into Global Communications such as the Internet. But somehow between LAN, MAN and WAN is not much different in some ways, only just a different scope of its area one among others.

Network Topology :

a. Mesh Network Topology

This network topology implementing fully the relationship between central. The number of channels should be provided to form a mesh network is the number of central minus one (n-1, n = number of central). Level of network complexity is proportional to the increasing number of central installed. Thus, in addition to less economical also relatively expensive to operate.

b. Star Network Topology

In a star network topology, the central one is made as a central center. When compared with the mesh system, this system has a level of complexity of a simpler network so that systems become more economical, but the load carried by a central head hard enough. Thus the possibility of damage or disruption of this central larger.

c. Bus Network Topology

In this topology all connected directly to the central transmission medium with a configuration called a bus. Transmission signals from a central not flown in two directions simultaneously. This is very different from what happens in the mesh or star network topology, which in both systems can be performed or the interconnection between the central communication simultaneously. bus network topology is not common for the interconnection between the central, but usually used in computer network systems.

d. Tree Network Topology

Network topology is also called as multilevel network topology. This topology is usually used for interconnection between the central with a different hierarchy. To the lower hierarchy is described in the locations of low and increasingly higher up the hierarchy have. This type of network topology suitable for computer network systems.

e. Ring Network Topolgy

To form a ring network, each must be connected to a central series with each other and this relationship will form a closed loop. In this system, each central should be designed in order to interact with the adjacent central and far apart. Thus, the ability to do a central switching to different directions. The advantage of this network topology, among others: the level of network complexity is low (simple), also when there is disruption or damage to a central traffic flow can then be passed into the other direction in the system. The most widely used in computer networks is jaringanbertipe bus and a tree (tree), this is for reasons of complexity, ease of installation and maintenance, and price to be paid. But only a tree-type network (tree) are recognized reliability as loss of one cable at a client, will not affect relations with other clients.

Basic Concepts Computer Networks

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010 0 komentar

1. Communication System

A system that always requires the medium as a carrier signal (carrier). Signal carrier medium can be a cable transmission system, electromagnet waves (RF), light or other intermediaries. To convey a data communication system requires a rule (the protocol). Communication system itself is a complex system built up of three main components, namely the transmission medium, carrier, and protocols.

2. Communication Protocol

Is a set of rules created to control the exchange of data between nodes (computers). The process that the focus control is the process of initialization, verification, how to communicate and how to decide the communication.

3. Computer Network Benefits

- Computer network allows one to access its files (Upload) or file another person who has been allowed to be accessed (downloaded) anywhere and anytime.

- Computer network enables shipping process data can lasted quick and efficient.

- Computer networks allow the sharing of hardware between the client.

- Computer network allows one to connect with others several countries with the form of text, images, audio and video in real time.

- Computer network could lower operational costs, such as users of paper, sending a letter or file, phone and network hardware purchasers.

About The Author

Anton is an information technology instructor. Liked the field of computers and networks.